Will Beckley Elementary School Clark County School District

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Second Grade Homework
All second grade students have the same homework from week to week.  They are required to complete math, spelling and reading each night.  The spelling word lists may be different from track to track depending on where they are in the school year.  You may see a math homework page come home on Friday that goes with the lesson that we are working on.  Please know that the students are not required to complete the Friday page as homework it is optional.
Spelling Homework: Monday - Thursday.
Monday:  Students should write each spelling word three times.
Tuesday:  Students should write their spelling words in alphabetical order.
Wednesday:  Students should write their spelling words in order of the number of letters in each word, from the least number of letters to the greatest number of letters.
Thursday:  Students should write each spelling word and circle the vowels in each word.
Math Practice:  Monday - Thursday.
All students should bring home the math page of the lesson they are working on in class.  **Students may receive a different page for homework on assessment days.
Math Fact Practice pages:  Students will receive a practice page that corresponds to the math fact they are currently working on.  This page should be completed by the end of the week.  The purpose is to practice for the math fact tests that are given each Friday.
Reading:  Students should read each night for 20 minutes.  Student should record the title on the list provided by the teacher.