Will Beckley Elementary School is a Bully Free school that offers numerous programs to enhance and develop character education and positive values. These programs teach and encourage our students to show respect for themselves, for others and to convey a positive outlook on life.
With the support and generous donations from our business partners, Rotary Club of Las Vegas and Los Vaqueros, our students are provided with additional opportunities to succeed. Beckley students have performed two Disney productions, The Aristocats and Cinderella, with great success! We are currently working on the next Disney production, Aladdin, with the support of our wonderful Beckley Teachers(Ms. Jolly, Ms.Tiberti, Mr. Larsh, and Mr. Garcia. Beckley’s affiliation with the Rotary Club of Las Vegas supports us with a books with buddies program and Student Council. Third, fourth and fifth grade students who excel socially and academically work on a number of community service projects, which include: making holiday cards for retirement facilities, organizing canned food drives for the Salvation Army during the holidays and making dog treats for the animal shelter.
In addition to our benevolent business partners, we also receive financial assistance from the Assistance League of Las Vegas to purchase clothing and shoes for our students. We have also been privileged to be included in the Advanced Technologies Academy H.S.’s Christmas “Angel Tree” program.
Any questions or concerns please contact me at [email protected]
Christopher Caprino
Counselor Will Beckley Elementary School